Puppet exec unless. Modules that are supported by Puppet, Inc. Puppet exec unless

Modules that are supported by Puppet, IncPuppet exec unless  Learn more See the exec documentation for the command, unless, and onlyif

I will show how these work in the example below. Modules that are supported by Puppet, Inc. 0. Hot Network Questions Is source of space-time curvature necessary?All groups and messages. Puppet: How to execute a Exec resource if another Exec resource failed. 0. The problem also happens to my start command which also use bundle exec: after puppet finished dea_ng::install and run dea_ng::service, the command below did not work unless I execute it manually on the client machine. If the query specified in the unless parameter returns one or more records, the main statement is skipped. All groups and messages. Puppet can take an existing PowerShell Module and build a Puppet module out of it. supported Adds a new exec provider for executing PowerShell commands. 1 Unless issue with Puppet. Modules that are supported by Puppet, Inc. # Setting Powershell Execution Policy to unrestricted exec { 'Set PowerShell execution policy unrestricted': command => 'Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted', unless. Among them, notice (), info (), and debug () seem the. Modules that are compatible with Puppet Development Kit (PDK) validation and testing tools. 26th - 28th Surrey Sparks Stages - Puppet-making workshops Surrey BC. One way is to use custom fact but that gets a bit too complicated as it requires ruby knowledge and custom facts execute on each and every server. See full list on puppet. The issue isn't that the package doesn't install, but rather that apt automatically starts the. Writing some classes for cassandra, one of them is to align clustering settings using puppet exec etc. Expand. If /etc/init. The exec has an onlyif, unless, or creates attribute, which prevents Puppet from running the command unless some condition is met. Default: Undefined. exe and specifying a file path in the command line, be sure to use backslashes. Adds a new exec provider for executing PowerShell commands. When a lambda requires extra information, pass it to a function that provides the information and to evaluate the code, possibly multiple times. The command should only be run as a refresh mechanism for when a dependent object is changed. Adds a new exec provider for executing PowerShell commands. ##Development. Puppet uses the same exec resource type on both *nix and Windows systems, and there are a few Windows-specific best practices and tips to keep in mind. If you remove the parameter it will also fail if the regular execution policy is set to Restricted. # Setting Powershell Execution Policy to. e. All groups and messages. Puppet Exec with no command attribute. You can use the unless parameter to only execute the statement in certain states. All groups and messagesCreate A Puppet Configuration File. Sort by Year. There are a few important parameters to use when writing an exec resource with PowerShell. The statement itself is simple but the class doesn't contain any built-in conditional checks (similar to "unless =>" in exec class). Q&A for work. Since Puppet uses the same exec resource type on both *nix and Windows systems, there are a few Windows-specific caveats to keep in mind. So I assume when the puppet agent runs on my node I should NOT see pkill -SIGQUIT mysqld; sleep 5; systemctl restart mysqld execute. But I think the correct way is to use creates: The exec has an onlyif, unless, or creates attribute, which prevents Puppet from running the command unless some condition is met. So in pseudocode: IF postfix is installed DO touch /tmp/wehavepostfix DONE. How to set Powershell ExecutionPolicy via Puppet exec command with unless property on Windows? 1. command => '/path/to/script. exec { 'chkconfig': command => "/sbin/chkconfig --add $ {shutdown_script}", require => File ['shutdown-script'] } This is actually your root cause here. For example, the value String represents the data type of strings. 2. This module adds a powershell provider to the exec type, which enables exec parameters, listed below. On Windows, most exit codes should be integers between 0 and 2147483647. Classes are named blocks of Puppet code that are stored in modules and applied later when they are invoked by name. run this on your node -. Overtime dhcp package is upgraded, RPM returns the original permission and owner which leads to DHCP issues (foreman-proxy is unable to modify files). 4. cmd. or use the 'resolvconf --disable-updates' exec resource's 'unless' parameter to test for a running unbound daemon prior to installing the package. However, I strongly recommend that you do not use any kind of non-conditional exec with puppet. The way I check this is if the gopher user has the default uid of 13. Setting the umask only has effect within the process that does it (see umask in sys/stat. 0 Output on one command cause next one to fails. The ordering arrow is a hyphen and a greater-than sign ( -> ). 7. It will package up all of its DSC resources and then wrap the Puppet Resource API around it so you can invoke it just like any other module. unless: A shell command that is run as a test to determine if the command should not run. I do not account that a bug, however, as (1) it's probably more useful behavior, and (2) it's consistent with the example in the docs. I can fix this manually. Using onlyif allows you to use the return value of one or more commands as your. How to set environment variables in Ubuntu OS using Puppet. (2) it is unclear from your description whether the Exec's command is actually run (vs. = (assignment) Expand. There are a few important parameters to use when writing an exec resource with PowerShell. I have a script that really only needs to be run one time on a server, i. See the Puppet Type Reference for the exec resource and look for unless and onlyif. There is a module in puppet already installed by default called:puppetlabs-stdlib and within this module a defined type called file_line which does the trick :) Here is my case scenario under the. g. Alternative 1: create a bash script: ugly Exec resources and temp files. refresh: Command to execute if the resource is refreshed due to a notify or subscribe. ps1 script. In your case, the Exec is always successfully applied. All modules; Supported modules; Modules with tasks; Contribute. This will not work because the Package resource type does not have an 'unless' parameter -- that's a feature specific to Exec resources. Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their. Modules that are supported by Puppet, Inc. Puppet exec unless doesn't appear to work how I expect. Sometimes a simple creates isn't enough to determine if an exec should run or not. Best practices with exec is to use onlyif and unless to test for whatever action the exec is supposed to have performed. After changing topology strategy, cassandra should rebuild keyspace - this is where puppet comes. 4. The onlyif parameter is defined as. service. The problem is the line when: rabbitmqctl list_vhosts | grep sensu. – tom. I am getting different errors and i was thinking on changing the approach and add those inline cmdlets into a . The onlyif and unless commands of an exec are used in the process of determining whether the exec is already in sync, therefore they must be run during a noop Puppet run. Try checking the puppet master log at /var/log/puppetmaster. The onlyif and unless commands of an exec are used in the process of determining whether the exec is already in sync, therefore they must be run during a noop Puppet run. Puppet File resource runs despite Exec unless. Puppet File resource runs despite Exec unless. I would like to add a number of control gates into my manifest via onlyif and unless. exe /c C:/test. The second one unzips it. You can use not filter to get unless like behavior. 168. That command will always return 0 (true): it just tests whether the given string is nonempty. Puppet provides a built-in exec type that is capable of executing commands. I am using vagrant with puppet to set up virtual machines for development environments. powershell conditional IsNullorEmpty not working as planned. txt –Value “Hello”’, logoutput => true, provider => powershell, } } The three parameters I use in this manifest are command, logoutput and provider. 0. e. The synchronization of an out-of-sync Exec resource involves only running the command given by its 'command' property, so that's the only part that --noop prevents. Sep 13, 2012 at 15:51. There are three main ways for an exec to be idempotent:Conversations. –Note that Puppet issue 8083 should not affect you in the case that the Application-Server feature is installed, but it is unclear (to a non-initiate in Powershell) what the exit code of that 'unless' command will be in the alternative case. As per the exec documentation, the onlyif/unless exec command result will override the receipt of refresh. E. First, change the require arrow to a notify arrow, from -> to ~>. The Win32 APIs. Valid options: String. I want to check if the file exists in the client. By setting the hiera value selinux::mode: 'enforcing', that will ensure SELinux is enabled (it will default to targeted mode on CentOS). Running Powershell command directly using Puppet exec resource. Problem with "if" is that it expects the file on the puppet server not on the client. Is this the best way to do this?. Puppet - How to purge a directory. 9]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "The conditional check 'rabbitmqctl. The only plausible source of such an issue in the code you presented is your Exec's unless command: unless => "`ps -eaf | grep service | grep -v grep | wc -l` -eq 3" When the command there is executed by the shell, it first executes unless: A shell command that is run as a test to determine if the command should not run. Puppet File resource runs despite Exec unless. I read the message you ask about as saying that the Exec was not refreshed, so the command will not be run. exec { 'chage': path => '/usr/bin/', command => 'chage -d 0 askar', subscribe => File ['askar'], refreshonly => true, } } I then verified that after applying the refreshonly parameter , the. They take a control expression and a list of cases and code. In this blog post, we'll make it simple with definitions and examples to explain the basics of platform engineering vs. I was hoping to use onlyif in my class, but it seems a little confusing when trying to check for an absent registry value that contains my route. The exec has an onlyif, unless, or creates attribute, which prevents Puppet from running the command unless some condition is met. 0. This page provides a reference guide for Puppet 's built-in types: package, file, service , notify, exec, user, and group. ;) – ferventcoder. Puppet's if statement allows you to change the manifest behavior based on the value of a variable or an expression. On Windows, most exit codes are integers between 0 and 2147483647. execute update-grub, which would look for avaliable kernels and would add related configs to the menu. 0 a new feature "relationship syntax" was introduced. This module is particularly helpful if you need to run PowerShell commands but don't know the details about how PowerShell is executed, because you can run PowerShell. However, I only want to apply the 'netsh advfirewall reset' exec if firewall rules other than what I have specified in Hiera exist. Puppet: 'creates' does not create. This means that if a file is currently a directory,. How to set Powershell ExecutionPolicy via Puppet exec command with unless property on Windows?. exe; Backslashes only. It is. at deployment time, but figured it would be best to have Puppet manage it. However the in function seems to work with if only, when I use unless I get the following e. Based on that documentation, a when statement was added: - name: add vhost sensu command: rabbitmqctl add_vhost /sensu when: rabbitmqctl list_vhosts | grep sensu. Puppet provides a built-in exec type that is capable of executing commands. The onlyif and unless commands of an exec are used in the process of determining whether the exec is already in sync, therefore they must be run during a noop Puppet run. Learn more about TeamsUnless puppet supports escaping somehow. e. Search. This module adds a powershell and pwsh provider to the exec type, which enables exec parameters, listed below. I want to check, if a given string is inside an array and if it isn't, I want to execute the code inside. Hot Network Questions To find rate of change of area of triangle when rate of change and value of length of base and height are 3cm/min, 5cm/min and 8cm,10cm respectively. 0 and above would look like this: exec { "apt-update": command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update" } Exec["apt-update"] -> Package <| |> Every time a package command is executed, the dependency (in our case 'apt-update') will be triggered fist. The Puppet exec will not run unless the "unless" command exits with status 0. 0. For example, command => 'cmd. With Bolt on the command line, run bolt task run exec command=<COMMAND>. However, this manifest will exec the command every time the puppet client checks in with the puppet master. Puppet seems to be behaving exactly as I would expect, with the only potentially surprising thing being that even the 'posix' provider runs the 'unless' and 'onlyif' commands via the shell. However, this manifest will exec the command every time the puppet client checks in with the puppet master. ##Limitations. The command of an exec resource, unless the executable requires backslashes, e. Puppet provides a built-in exec type that is capable of executing commands. John. First I would like to use booleans as defined in Hiera [ auto lookup function ]. You can use the unless parameter to only execute the statement in certain states. To use commands with pipe |, you must use the shell builtins work around with cmd. Puppet FuturePuppet is a configuration management tool which helps you to build the infrastructure and maintain its state. 2. e. , for example, the Exec resource being. The service will detect it is not running and start itself if required. To ensure the resource is idempotent, specify one of the creates, onlyif, or unless attributes. Something like this should work: - name: Get rabbitmq vhosts. 2 or later for the pip3 provider, what is an alternative approach to installing Python packages by hand via the 'pip3' command? If I use the 'exec' approach, how do I control the package from being reinstalled all the time? (i. I have two similar Exec[] in a class, both with the onlyif parameter, as you can see below. You can add classes to a node’s catalog by either declaring them in your manifests or assigning them from an external node classifier (ENC). Puppet check if a nagios resource exists. The exit status when you run it directly and the exit status you expect it to return are irrelevant. If the resource that you want to apply conditionally does not have any built-in conditional checks that serve the purpose, then Puppet conditional statements such as if and case are the most likely options. See the Puppet Type Reference for the exec resource and look for unless and onlyif. Execute installers from shared (samba) folder instead of copy it first to agent system does not solve the issue. Puppet uses the same exec resource type on both *nix and Windows systems, and there are a few Windows-specific best practices and tips to keep in mind. 2. This module is particularly helpful if you need to run PowerShell commands but don't know how PowerShell is executed, because you can run PowerShell commands. If I try creating it as my process user, I get permission denied. 0powershell. Share. 1. The exec resources will only refresh themselves when they receive a notification. 10, to 5. One thing that you can do (and I don't recommend) and that is not "puppet way" is following:If you want to specify to take a given action if file exists, if file doesn't exist etc. Welcome to the Puppet CookBook. This style guide applies to Puppet 4 and later. telnet < puppetmaster ip address dns name> 8140. Autorequires: If Puppet is managing an exec’s cwd or the executable file used in an exec’s command, the exec resource will autorequire those files. Any command in an exec resource must be able to run multiple times without causing harm — that is, it must be idempotent. Unless you are sharing with the world, you don’t need most. Scripts file serving mount. How would the watchdog service know the Puppet exec failed? I don't want to remove the dir or run the exec if the directory does exist and the first exec was completed successfully. --Puppet::Type. John. Ben is the Community and DevRel lead at Puppet, where he's been scared by production Puppet code for the last decade. 1. you can check this quickly with the telnet command. . Puppet running exec before other commands. exec { "Change status and start-up of Win service": command => 'C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1. The script remaps several legacy user id's that conflict with local system users. TJL. Expand. Understand the syntax and function of the if, unless, case, and selector statements. Puppet can run binary files (such as exe, com, or bat), and can log the child process output and exit status. 0. The exec has refreshonly => true , which only allows Puppet to run the command when some other resource is changed. Since moving to Puppet 5. So then intention and documentation has always been the same since 4. As best I can tell by reading the source code the "holdable" feature is fundamentally flawed. The logoutput parameter just logs the output to the. In the Puppet language, nearly everything is an expression, including. Step Zero: Enable SELinux! Enabling SELinux is done by including the site_selinux class somewhere in your Puppet configuration. Puppet supports a few different ways of implementing conditional logic: ; if statements, ; unless statements, ; case statements, and ; selectors. Puppet does not know about the files which are been modified by the shell script. Puppet Labs modules on the Puppet Forge are open projects, and community contributions are essential for keeping them great. This seems to work just fine. Modules. . 0. . This means you. Thus, a package can not both be installed at a particular version and marked held using dpkg. This module is particularly helpful if you need to run PowerShell commands but don't know how PowerShell is executed, because you can run PowerShell commands in Puppet without the module. Puppet: Conditional exec using unless-option. And after that, run puppet agent with pluginsync enabled, and you can use custom type like this:. Right now I have: exec { 'first command': command => "some command" path => '/usr/bin', notify => Exec ["second command"], } exec {. This module is particularly helpful if you need to run PowerShell commands but don't know how PowerShell is executed, because you can run PowerShell commands. Generally speaking, details of machines' current state on which Puppet is to base decisions about the contents of that machine's catalog must be communicated to the. I have a script that really only needs to be run one time on a server, i. 0. How do you configure a Puppet exec to execute another command as part of onlyif. The 'onlyif' and 'unless' commands of an Exec are used in the process of determining whether the Exec is already in sync, therefore they must be run during a --noop Puppet run. #####unless Runs the exec, unless the command returns 0. The first one downloads ZIP file with binary (unless the binary has already been installed) and saves it to /tmp. my theme is puppet should only execute if this if $::facts['memorysize'] >= '4. Usage. When you use any of the four so-called metaparameters for relationships in Puppet - those being: require , before , subscribe & notify - you tell Puppet that you want the application. Note that the example uses the unless parameter to make the resource idempotent. 0. The exec has an onlyif, unless, or creates attribute, which prevents Puppet from running the command unless some condition is met. This can be used with bash on Linux,. Problem with "if" is that it expects the file on the puppet server not on the client. The Windows module pack is a group of modules available on the Forge curated to help you complete common Windows tasks. lst contents. Puppet File resource runs despite Exec unless. They take a control expression and a list of cases and code. Which it looks like it doesn't. Is there a way to tell puppet to only execute command if one of the files does not exist? 0. They take a control expression and a list of cases and code blocks, and. If you choose to execute PowerShell scripts using the default Puppet exec provider on Windows, you must specify the remotesigned execution policy as part of the powershell. Adds a new exec provider for executing PowerShell commands. puppet agent -td --evaltrace --profile > agent_debug. Using virtual box and a vagrant bas. The 'refreshonly' parameter, on the other hand, makes application of the Exec conditional on (and subsequent to) one or more other resources changing, sort of like an 'on update' trigger in a database. exec { 'nagios-permissions': command => "/usr/bin/chown -R nagios:nagios $ {confdir}", onlyif. supported Adds a new exec provider for executing PowerShell commands. For example, to view the free disk space of a host, run: With. TJL. For information on all core types, including supported types in the puppet-agent package, see. The file is not being created because the Puppet agent is never actually applying your catalog because you have a compilation error: Error: Failed to apply catalog: Validation of Exec. Check your syntax by entering puppet parser validate c:\myfiles\file. To do this in Puppet you would have to use an Exec and invoke setfacl (if you were on Linux, for example) directly. exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -file C:\test. supported. Try again and this time show the failure. An example in Puppet 2. It is a limitation of the underlying system. To ensure the resource is idempotent, specify one of the creates, onlyif, or unless attributes. pp file. I read the message you ask about as saying that the Exec was not refreshed, so the command will not be run. Sorted by: 0. service ntpd stop ntpdate ntp3. It will execute the block of code associated with the first matching case, and ignore the remainder of the statement. require means that the the resource passed to require must be applied before the calling resource. supported Adds a new exec provider for executing PowerShell commands. 0. exe invocation as the command. Over the years of using puppet I've noticed that people often come up with the same kind of. You can use onlyif, unless, creates and refreshonly to manage the case when you want the command to execute. This style guide promotes consistent formatting in the Puppet language, giving you a common pattern, design, and style to follow when developing modules. Puppet File resource runs despite Exec unless. Yes, you'd put a script into your modules path under a facts. Puppet modules to install and manage Oracle databases, Oracle Weblogic and Fusion Middleware, IBM MQ, IBM Integration Bus and other enterprise-grade software. Any recommendations on running. exec { 'Make sure frob is installed': command => 'apt-get install -y frob', unless => 'frob --version', } Ansible's command module has a "creates" option that looks for a file, but I don't. Depending on your client's platform you can use ACLs to grant varied permissions to more than one group or user. Similarly, we can use unless, unless execute the command all the time, except the command under unless exits successfully. 1. 2 but are only using architecture-appropriate. We need to set setfacl -R -m u:foreman:rwx /etc/dhcp /var/lib/dhcpd via our puppet installer instead of modifying standard UNIX owner and permissions. exe only when the aspnet_banking_app is created or changed. g. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"lib/puppet/type":{"items":[{"name":"file","path":"lib/puppet/type/file","contentType":"directory"},{"name. When using Puppet APIs to load file content and metadata, you can access files in the scripts/ directory of a module using the scripts file mount. Doing some research, and looking at blog posts, I know that the structure of my code should be something along the lines of (I know it's not correct): exec {'function_name': # the script that downloads/installs/activates etc. I am trying to set some powershell inline cmdlets within puppet recipes in order to install other msi packages and powershell scripts. The command parameter is the PowerShell code you want to run on your node. Puppet Exec resource to apply only when a File changes. Note: PowerShell variables (such as $_) must be escaped in Puppet manifests either using backslashes or single quotes. I'm not sure what the problem is, and I need more information. It will also restart itself if exec['Do Stuf'] runs because of the way the relationship is defined. execute (command, options = NoOptionsSpecified) ⇒ Puppet::Util::Execution::ProcessOutput (also: util_execute) Executes the desired command, and return the status and output. 0. 2 install on Ubuntu 18. Or even better, split the shells parts into separate exec resources with dependencies and unless parameters. Code so far (which is not working) is: Hiera snippet:By default, Puppet agent runs as the Administrator account, which has this privilege. Running Powershell command directly using Puppet exec resource. A statement to determine if the wls_exec must execute. 1. When you share a folder on your computer, other users on the same network can access the files and folders inside it. Puppet can run binary files (such as exe, com, or bat), and can log the child process output and exit status. Puppet exec unless doesn't appear to work how I expect. ” These values represent the other data types. To use sudo non-interactively, the invoking user needs a NOPASSWD: entry in sudoers %wheel ALL=(fred) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/echo "hola dan" Then. Note that Puppet was not really designed to solve automation problems like this one, although using Exec it is possible to do most things anyway. asked Apr 1, 2022 at 20:47. This tells Puppet to run aspnet_regiis. 04; In Puppet, the combined configuration to be applied to a host is called a catalog, and the process of applying it is called a run. 0 how to ensure puppet exec run on every event triggered? 0 Puppet: How to execute a Exec resource if another Exec resource failed. The Forge is an online community of Puppet modules submitted by Puppet and community members. 1. This means that if a file is currently a directory, setting ensure to anything but directory or present will cause Puppet to skip managing the resource and log either a notice or. 5. As an example I have a powershell script that opens notepad:. But it when I try it, it is. 1. Their exit codes convey whether to proceed with running the main command. 6. Puppet Coding Style - In Puppet, the coding style defines all the standards which one needs to follow while trying to convert the infrastructure on the machine configuration into a code. I am currently learning puppet, and I am attempting to have an exec that will notify another exec but only if the first exec is succsfull. Hot Network Questions tcpdump -vvv is not verbose enough. There are a number of parameters you can set. e. I don't think there's something built into Puppet. However, when I clean my /tmp and apply the manifest again, it fails because the first exec doesn't executed. e. If this parameter is set, then this exec will only run if the command has an exit code. However; I would like promote these into our production branch. password is not getting changed to the default password and also. . ), and can log the child process output and exit status. Detecting if windows service is already installed using puppet exec. 1', } Puppet supports if and unless statements, case statements, and selectors. Puppet exec unless doesn't appear to work how I expect. If Puppet is managing the user that an exec should run as. 3. The shortest path to creating better Puppet modules.